More than the sum of its parts

The doppelgänger that abides by nothing.

A brand of affection

with 4 comments

22 pieces of information about Vanessa – some embarrassing, some astute, some rather meh; all are true:

  1. She has a crush on James Franco.
  2. It is safe to assume that she likes ’em scruffy, to the point of unkept.
  3. She is a History whiz.
  4. The extent of her untidiness parallels my degree of fastidiousness.
  5. I only look like the older sister; she is, without question, more disciplined, sensible and level-headed.
  6. She constantly makes me look bad with her frugality and well-maintained nails.
  7. She takes her guitar lessons seriously, as with everything else.
  8. Despite never having a boyfriend, she gives surprisingly profound relationship advice.
  9. She has almost unreachable expectations of the opposite sex.
  10. She tends to exaggerate, or leave out important nuances, when she tells her friends about my zany behaviour.
  11. She does not eat beef and rarely consumes carbohydrates.
  12. We used to have eruptive arguments, often addressing unrelated issues, mainly because we never back down and hold out with “I’m not going to let you have the last word”.
  13. She answers to ‘Poo-Neh’ – try it.
  14. When our family joins a holiday tour group, she is always the first person to make friends with the other members.
  15. She loves Las Vegas for its sleaze.
  16. The excessive amount of perfume she uses fumigates our bedroom every morning.
  17. She has an eclectic taste in music.
  18. The only time she is louder and more vulgar than me is when Roger Federer is playing.
  19. She has a wide range of facial expressions, most of them laughable.
  20. Her ears are susceptible to infection.
  21. Before I underwent LASIK in July 2008, she was the only one in our family who did not suffer from severe myopia.
  22. She turns 22 today – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Written by Olivia Q.

February 19, 2009 at 00:02

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    February 19, 2009 at 01:43

  2. Highly inaccurate….I feel the need to come up with a revised version.

    1. She has a crush on James Franco cos he’s hot and smart.
    2. It is safe to assume that she likes ’em rugged but hygienic.
    3. She is a History whiz with Wiki as her trusted source of information.
    4. She does not know what is “fastidiousness”?
    6. Frugality? Have you not seen her wardrobe?
    7. She takes her guitar lessons seriously only because she has to play in a stupid concert come March.
    8. Despite never having a boyfriend, she gives surprisingly profound relationship advice in order to educate people about the importance of never settling for less.
    9. She has almost unreachable expectations of the opposite sex (see above).
    11. She does not eat beef and rarely consumes carbohydrates but when she does, she binges like a cow.
    12. We used to have eruptive arguments, often addressing unrelated issues, mainly because we never back down and hold out with “I’m not going to let you have the last word”. (Never settle for less)
    13. She answers to “Poo-Neh” – try it and she will give me THE LOOK.
    14. When our family joins a holiday tour group, she is always the first person to make friends with the other members because I am too boring.(HAHA!)
    16. She uses excessive amounts of body mists because the smell doesn’t last, hence fumigating our bedroom every morning.
    17. She has an eclectic collection of music on iTunes but only listens to the same few.
    18. The only time she is louder and more vulgar than me is when Roger Federer is playing because I rub off on her.
    19. She has a wide range of facial expressions, most of them laughable. She isn’t called ‘funny face’ by friends for nothin’.
    21. She suffers myopia but is too vain to wear specs and too cowardly to stick contacts into her eyes.
    22. She turns 22 today and is too busy doing a fucking essay.


    February 20, 2009 at 03:04

  3. You punk!

    Well, pardonnez-moi? I guess I also unconsciously commit Number 10. These fun facts are not “highly inaccurate” – they are, at the most, missing a few details that I hitherto did not know about or deliberately left open to interpretation.

    Olivia Q.

    February 20, 2009 at 11:12

  4. You girls are hilarious! Ha, happy belated birthday Vanessa:)


    February 20, 2009 at 14:36

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